Wim Hof Method
For half a century, health theory has been based on 2 pillars: nutrition and exercise. In doing so, we have forgotten that there is a third, at least as important pillar: our environment. When we are at high altitude, we automatically produce more red blood cells to compensate for oxygen deficiency. If we move to a very warm environment, we will gradually lose less salt when sweating and we will excrete less urine. Cold brings about even greater changes in our physiology.
As primeval humans, we were able to defy ancient dangers such as cold and energy shortages. In our time, however, we no longer have to defy that because we live in an environment that we can make as ‘optimal’ as possible. We dress warmer when it gets colder or we turn on the heating. And food is plentiful everywhere. The question is whether this is really optimal. Is that what our body actually wants? We are getting older, which sounds positive in itself, but our disease-free years are getting less and less. So it does not look like the environment in which we live is so optimal after all.
However, there are few people who want to go back to prehistoric times. But according to Wim Hof, a Dutch ‘daredevil’, that is not necessary either. Instead, we can regularly give ourselves a (primal) stimulus that enables our body to feel again what it is made for.
Wim Hof and science
Wim Hof is internationally known as the ‘Iceman’ and is called superhuman for his imposing ability to control his autonomic nervous system. Hof has more than 20 Guiness world records, including for the longest ice bath in a container with ice cubes (1 hour and 52 minutes), for climbing in shorts to 6700 meters altitude on Mount Everest and for running a marathon without drinking in the desert of Namibia.
Such superhumans with various records are more of them in the world. But the special thing about Hof is that he claims that anyone can learn his method and has been given the science to do research on him and his trainees. The scientific breakthrough came in 2014 when a medical experiment showed that 1 week of training in the wim hof method already gives very good control over the autonomic nervous system, including the immune system. It was demonstrated by means of a dead E. Coli bakterie that was injected into a total of 24 subjects. Of these, 12 were randomly chosen who were trained by Hof and 12 others who formed the control group. The result was that all persons in the control group became ill, with symptoms such as fever and vomiting, while the group trained by Hof hardly noticed anything. This result was considered very remarkable in scientific circles and soon led to publications in highly regarded scientific journals such as PNAS and Nature.
The Method
The Wim Hof method consiste of 3 basic exercises: breathing technique, cold training, and meditative fokus. The exercises are each ancient and with proven effect in different cultures. Hof’s method is only special the way he combines the exercises, something he himself has learned by provoking his body with increasingly extreme challenges in nature. The most important discovery he made was to maintain control over his autonomic nervous system, i.e. over his temperature regulation, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing and dilating and narrowing blood vessels.
Breathing exercises
Humans have much in common with delphins and whales when it comes to breathing characteristics. Like the cetaceans we can breath conscious if we choose to do so and we have a strong mammalian dive reflex. Wim Hof’s breathing exercises is all about conscious breathing.
By doing hyperventilation before holding the breath you can trigger mobilisation of (more) oxygen to your cells in your peripheral body so that the whole body becomes provided with more energy. Repeating this breathing pattern you will slowly but surely extend the so-called ‘retention time’ (the time that you can hold your breath after exhalation). Longer breath holds on exhalation leads to a further increase of CO2 in the blood, respectively more release of oxygen to the peripheral tissues. Over a relatively short time the increase of oxygen on a cellular level leads to improved performance and tolerance, a better defense against inflammation and faster recovery after exercise, trauma or illness.
Hof’s breathing technique is known as “innerfire” meditation, a technique that the Tummo Buddhists in Tibet have been practising for nearly 1000 years. Because this technique aims at both lower O2 and CO2 levels in the blood, it is also called ‘intermittent hypoxia/hypocapnia’. In contrast, other breathing techniques like when trying to simulate high altitude training (Oxygen Advantage), the aim is lower O2 but higher CO2 - so-called intermittent hypoxia/hypercapnia.
Cold training
Cold training is an old technique and has been used for some time in the treatment of rheumatism, for example. In some northern countries, such as Russia and Finland, ice bathing is a widespread winter activity. By means of cold one trains the blood vessels and the immune system. If you step into an ice bath, the body automatically closes the blood flow to less vital body parts in the periphery. This is necessary in order for the vital organs not to get colder than 35 degrees. The body is smart enough to always protect the heart and other central organs first: the arms and legs get less blood, where the blood vessels contract.
But even though it has long been recognized that exposure to cold offers health benefits, the question is why it is much easier to maintain sitting in an ice bath using the WimHofMethod. The answer can be found in the breathing exercises. With these exercises we first increase the heat production in our body. More oxygen in the cells makes the metabolism alkaline, so much more alkaline that the cold is no longer so painful. In addition, regularly taking an ice bath leads to the production of more so-called ‘brown fat’, a type of fat that the body uses to warm up through the burning of fatty acids and glucose. With cold training, the body learns to burn (white) fat by means of brown fat. This could also be promising for people suffering of overweight.
Research has now made it clear that only cold showering brings many health benefits. Daily cold showering quickly leads to an increasing number of white blood cells and an immediately noticeable increase in energy levels. This means that many of us can start with this, so that you do not immediately set (too) high demands on your commitment and focus skills. Which brings us to the 3. element of the WimHofMethod.
In order to master the breathing exercises and cold training properly, and to apply them consistently, we must also show sufficient commitment and focus. The brain uses less energy when it focuses on one thing at a time. This can be done, for example, by closing the eyes and focusing on a point or imaginary figure in the dark. We call this ‘visualisation’: a simple form of meditation used by yogis and monks. It’s no more than directing your own thoughts as you try to hold your breath (for as long as possible) so that you ‘stay on top of things’. You force yourself to stay in the moment, and not in the future or what has already been.
When you step into an ice bath, you should stay focused on your own relaxation and continue to breathe calmly and deeply. The cold forces you to keep focusing your attention on your own body - in order to survive. If you start thinking too much and/or resisting, you will loose control and it’s the end of practice.
Effects of the WHM
The health-promoting effects of Hof’s method are great, both in the short and long term. Immediate effects include feelings of being more energetic, more relaxed, and stronger. The method helps also to change quickly to a better mood and better concentration. In the longer term, the immune system also gets better, your sports performance improves, the stress level decreases, you can cope better with cold (and heat), you recover faster, you sleep better and you become more productive.
In other words, with a few simple instruments you can become healthier, stronger and happier in a relatively short time. Both the right stress response and the reward system are optimally addressed in this method. It feels very good when you get warm again after an ice bath. And you can handle much more afterwards, you feel stronger, do not experience any discomfort, and also have a better sleep.
But learning WHM should not be underestimated. It is important that you receive professional instruction if you want to test yourself and develop your body with the techniques mentioned. Therefore, always consult a certified WHM instructor if you want to take on the challenge.